Are you a business owner located in the Greater Dallas-Fort Worth Area who wants more leads and customers?

DFWDealz is accepting business listings for both a new website and Facebook page.


A New Business Directory for Dallas - Fort Worth Businesses is an online list or catalog of local businesses in the Dallas – Fort Worth area that is launching in December 2018. It is designed to attract new leads and customers to your business using the combined power of:

  • Local search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Building deep back links to and from your website to raise your website’s authority
  • Mobile voice search
  • Google Maps
  • Social Media Pages links Facebook, Yelp, Mantra, Thumbnail and etc.
  • Facebook Advertising
  • Retargeting ads
  • Email Marketing
  • Direct Mail Campaigns
  • And other online marketing strategies

How it works is a directory site that will list your local business information. There is a free version and a paid membership version that connects to the DFWDealz Facebook Page.

Your business can be listed for free as long as you want it listed. Your listing can be updated as often as you like. The listing will include your basic business information and website. You can also add a link to advertise any specials or promotions you are running.  Your coupon will also be published on the DFWDealz Facebook page.

Why are we doing this for free? – What’s the catch?

#1 I believe that successful local businesses make successful communities. I grew up in a family owned grocery store before the time of big box stores and online marketing mega-sites like Owning a business had been my Dad’s dream for years, and it was a small business owner that made it possible. My parents had the gift of connecting with people in a real way and everyone in our neighborhood counted them as friends and they were all our friends and in a way, became part of our extended family.

I’ve seen first hand how small businesses can touch lives in a powerful and positive way, and I want to help as many people succeed in their business as possible.

#2  Big businesses are using online and offline marketing methods but small business owners can’t keep up with the constant change in marketing so they either focus on whatever they think is hot at the moment, out of fear cling to outdated methods or do nothing because it’s all too confusing. I want to make it easy to get your business in front of your ideal customers and will combine the best practices with proven marketing strategies.  

#3  DFWDealz is building a local service business buyer’s list and Facebook group to send targeting offers to via email, Facebook ads and direct mail.

#4 Honestly, I want to become your personal local marketing expert and to show you that I am serious about giving great value and getting measurable results for your business, I created

DFWDealz Coupon Mailer Program

DFW Dealz is now accepting vendors for the Keller Fall Promotion